Esslingerstr. 07, 70771 Echterdingen

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Announcing the Launch of ElcoEMS New Features: Sustainability Report and Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE)


Elco Solutions is proud to announce the latest advancements in our cutting-edge data center environmental monitoring tool, ElcoEMS. As part of our commitment to innovation and sustainability, we are introducing two powerful new features: the Sustainability Report, aligned with the EU Taxonomy Regulation, and the Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) indicator, compliant with the ISO 30134-2 standard.

Sustainability Report: Leading the Way to a Greener Future

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, sustainability is more than a buzzword—it is a necessity. The Sustainability Report feature in ElcoEMS empowers data centers to align with the EU Taxonomy Regulation, which is a crucial framework for fostering sustainable growth and investment. This regulation provides clear criteria for environmentally sustainable activities, ensuring that data centers not only comply with stringent environmental standards but also contribute positively to a greener future. Our Sustainability Report feature offers comprehensive insights into your data center’s environmental impact. It includes detailed analyses of energy consumption, carbon footprint, and resource efficiency. By leveraging this feature, data center operators can identify areas for improvement, optimize resource usage, and implement strategies that enhance sustainability. The result is a more eco-friendly operation that meets regulatory requirements and exceeds industry standards.


Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE): Benchmarking Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency is a cornerstone of sustainable data center operations. The new Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) feature in ElcoEMS provides a precise measurement of your data center’s energy efficiency. PUE is the ratio of total energy consumed by the data center to the energy consumed by the computing equipment within it. A lower PUE indicates higher efficiency, meaning more energy is being effectively converted into computing power rather than being wasted on overhead. The PUE feature in ElcoEMS is designed in accordance with the ISO 30134-2 standard, ensuring accuracy and reliability. By continuously monitoring PUE, data center operators can gain valuable insights into energy utilization patterns and identify inefficiencies. This enables targeted interventions to reduce energy wastage, lower operational costs, and minimize environmental impact.


Key Benefits of the New Features

Enhanced Compliance: Ensure your data center meets the EU Taxonomy Regulation standards, promoting sustainable practices and green investment.

Improved Energy Efficiency: Utilize the PUE feature to monitor and optimize energy usage, reducing wastage and operational costs.

Comprehensive Reporting: Access detailed sustainability reports that provide actionable insights for continuous improvement.

Strategic Decision-Making: Leverage accurate data and analytics to make informed decisions about resource allocation and infrastructure management.

Positive Environmental Impact: Contribute to global sustainability goals by operating a more eco-friendly data center.

Join us in our mission to create a sustainable digital future. Explore the new features of ElcoEMS today and transform your data center into a model of environmental responsibility and energy efficiency. For more information or to request a demo, visit our website: Data Center Monitoring


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  • Esslingerstr. 07 70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen
  • +49 17620768072

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